Archive for dorothy who

Dr. Who?

Posted in Blue, Glitter, Holographic with tags , , , , , , , , on March 26, 2009 by Amanda Frankenpolish

Today’s franken is a modification of one of my previous creations. A “refrankened franken”, if you will! You may remember the sparkley blue I used in my “Frankenpolish 101” tutorial. While working on my recent family of holo polishes, I came across it and couldn’t resist jazzing it up a little bit more.


I filled up an empty bottle halfway with a plain silver holo (Color Club’s Worth the Risque), then topped it off with my blue franken.


The holo effect is subtle, but really breathes new life into this franken. The finished mix has a foily look to it, and it just may be my favorite franken so far.


I sent off a few bottles of this baby to some friends, and they all agree it is very similar to the long discontinued “Dorothy Who?” by China Glaze. So it was been appropriately dubbed “Dr. Who?” So there you have it…a “refrankened franken”. It just goes to show you it’s never to late to improve on a good thing!